- 全部分类
- 中国对外贸易
- 线性代数(经管类)
- 外贸英语写作
- 外刊经贸知识选读
- 外经贸经营与管理
- 世界市场行情
- 涉外经济法
- 企业会计学
- 基础英语
- 国际运输与保险
- 国际商务英语
- 国际商法
- 国际贸易实务(一)
- 国际贸易
- 国际技术贸易
- 概率论与数理统计经管类
- We _________ the lessons _________ of last month.
- He asked me _________.
- When Bob woke up he found himself in hospital, but he didn t __________.
- You should try to write __________ eve n when you ’ re busy. As you know, practice makes perfect.
- Mr. Smith is in good health now for it is quite a long time since he __________.
- America is an __________ country. You can hear __________ everywhere.
- For some reason, it __________ all day over the two weeks.
- You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago. How do you __________so young?
- She would rather have a room __________ than sleep with her sister.
- The cost of the various repairs amounts __________ total to just over a hundred pounds.