- 全部分类
- 组织行为学
- 中国近现代史纲要
- 政治经济学(财)
- 英语(一)
- 英语(二)
- 物理(工)
- 思想道德修养与法律基础
- 数论初步
- 数量方法(二)
- 人力资源管理(一)
- 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论
- 马克思主义
- 经济法概论
- 计算机应用技术
- 计算机应用基础
- 计算机网络技术
- 工程数学-线性代数
- 高等数学基础
- 高等数学二
- 高等数学(一)
- 高等数学(工专)
- 高等数学(工本)
- 概率论与数理统计(二)
- 大学语文
- Just a few years ago,Tanya was___(home)and begging for money in front of a supermarket in New York City.
- If you have difficulty locating a particular book ,please ask our librarians for___(assist).
- Apart from her devotion to her work ,Elizabeth was also loved for her___(warm)and humor.
- The group is made up of local___(music)who have been performing together for several years.
- It’s___(reasonable)to expect people to work more than 60 hours a week.
- If you have the right___(equip) ,you won’t find the job difficult.
- This essay is still too long.I’ll have to___(short)it by one or two pages.
- Now that you know all the facts ,you can make an informed___(choose).
- This advertisement is a___(type)example of their marketing strategy.
- If you are unable to come to the interview,for______reasonyou should inform us ahead of time.
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