- In 1974 Henry Aaron broke Babe Ruth's monumental lifetime record of 714 home runs.
- Mary McCarthy s satires 讽刺文学 are couched in a prose style that has a classic precision.
- The future survival of the bald eagle is still an important American ecological concern.
- Formerly , in the United States, many nurses worked as private duty nurses rather than in hospitals.
- A mythical(imaginary) creature, the dragon was believed to have lion's claws, scaly skin, and fiery breath.
- Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization.
- 社会政策政治功能包括()。
- 社会工作者李艳在社区进行家访时,有一位居民向她反映目前政府发放给他的低保金不能应付其家庭生活开支,加上自己身体不好,需经常吃药,生活十分拮据。这位居民还说最近天气很冷,而家中御寒棉被不够。李艳发现社区中还有不少居民与这位居民情况相似,她决定尝试为这些居民提供服务。在下述做法中,能够反映社区工作特点的有()。
- 在未成年人家庭保护方面,父母或其他监护人应做到()。
- 中年阶段进入更年期,其会导致的行为问题包括()。
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