- 托运人在承运人的航线上通过包板(舱)的方式运输时,托运人在航班起飞前72小时如果没有确定舱位,承运人则可以自由销售舱位,这种包舱方式称为固定包舱。
- 包舱、包集装箱(板)是航空货物运输的一种形式,它指托运人根据所运输的货物在一定时间内需要单独占用全部飞机货舱、集装箱、集装板,而承运人需要采取专门措施予以保证。
- Under FCA term, if the chosen place of delivery occurs at the seller’s premises ,the seller is not responsible for ling .
- Shipped in apparent order and condition means that the vessel looks very.
- A clean bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very clean .
- A foul bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very dirty.
- One of the advanes in the multiml transport is to provide faster transit of s.
- Normally tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand.
- Shipper is the person who has concluded a contract with the carrier for carriage of.
- Fumiion ordered because of illness of the crew under time chartering shall be forcharterer’s account .