- 根据《国际贸易术语解释通则2010》的规定,“ FCA”贸易术语是指由卖方在指定的地点()。
- 根据《最高人民法院关于审理海上货运代理纠纷案件若干问题的规定》,国际货运代理企业在处理海上货运代理业务过程中,以自己的名义签发提单、 海运单或者其他运输单证,国际货运代理企业应当承担()。
- 根据我国国际货运代理行业主管部门——国家商务部的有关规定,中国国际货运代理企业业务备案工作由()负责具体组织实施。
- Which of the following standard Charter Party forms is used in a V oyage Charter?()
- Which of the following insurance coverage does not cover total loss of or damage to cargocaused by earthquake or lightning? ( )
- According to UCP500, the terms “beginning ” of a month in the letter of credit shall beconstrued as()
- According to INCOTERMS 2000( )means that the sellers delivers the goods, cleared forexport, to thecarrier nominated by the buyers at the named place.
- The scope of freight forwarder ’s service on behalf of consignor includes()
- Each year, FIATA holds a (), which brings together the freight forwardingindustry and transport world.
- According to a certain type of rate, a shipper cannot be charged less than theappropriate rate of 4kg in most cases, even though his particular consignment mayweigh less than this, we call this type of rate ().