- PART VREADING COMPREHENSIONIn this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each withfour suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.TEXT ARacket, din clamor, noise, whatever you want to call it, unwanted sound is America's most widespreadnuisance. But noise is more than just a nuisance. It constitutes a real and present danger to people's health. Dayand night, at home, at work, and at play, noise can produce serious physical and psychological stress. No one isimmune to this stress. Though we seem to adjust to noise by ignoring it, the ear, in fact, never closes and thebody still responds— sometimes with extreme tension, as to a strange sound in the night.The annoyance we feel when faced with noise is the most common outward symptom of the stress buildingup inside us. Indeed, because irritability is so apparent, legislators have made public annoyance the basis ofmany noise abatement programs. The more subtle and more serious health hazards associated with stresscaused by noise traditionally have been given much less attention. Nevertheless, when we are annoyed or madeirritable by noise, we should consider these symptoms fair warning that other thing may be happening to us,some of which may be damaging to our health.Of many health hazards to noise, hearing loss is the most clearly observable and measurable by healthprofessionals. The other hazards are harder to pin down. For many of us, there may be a risk that exposure to thestress of noise increases susceptibility to disease and infection. The more susceptible among us may experiencenoise as a complicating factor in heart problems and other diseases. Noise that causes annoyance and irritabilityin health persons may have serious consequences for these already ill in mind or body.Noise affects us throughout our lives. For example, there are indications of effects on the unborn child whenmothers are exposed to industrial and environmental noise. During infancy and childhood, youngsters exposedto high noise levels may have trouble falling asleep and obtaining necessary amounts of rest.Why, then, is there not greater alarm about these dangers? Perhaps it is because the link between noise andmany disabilities or diseases has not yet been conclusively demonstrated. Perhaps it is because we tend todismiss annoyance as a price to pay for living in the modern world. It may also be because we still think ofhearing loss as only an occupational hazard.1.In Paragraph 1, the phrase "immune to" are used to mean ___.A.unaffected byB.hurt byC.unlikely to be seen byD.unknown by2.The author's attitude toward noise would best be described as ___.A.unrealisticB.traditionalC.concernedD.hysterical3.Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?A.Noise is a major problem; most people recognize its importance.B.Although noise can be annoying, it is not a major problem.C.Noise is a major problem and has not yet been recognized as such.D.Noise is a major problem about which nothing can be done.4.The author condemns noise essentially because it ___.A.is against the lawB.can make some people irritableC.is a nuisanceD.in a ganger to people's health5.The author would probably consider research about the effects noise has on people to be ___.A.unimportantB.impossible.C.a waste of moneyD.essential
- The() in Janet‘s character has hindered her froom advancement in her career.
- —Can you take the day off tomorrow ?—Well, I‘all have to get()from my boss.
- His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at ()with him at once.
- If a substance is dissolved in water or heated , it may ()a gas.
- The eldest child is thoroughly()because they always give him whatever he want.
- Our ()sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60 , most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.
- The beach is in an ideal()to draw tourists.
- Nancy was surprised that they have(),They seemed to be a happy couple.
- Of course,()most immigrants did not get rich overnight , but the of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.