- Urban congestion would greatly be relieved if the____charged on public transport were more reasonable.
- We are convinced____ the righteousness of our cause.
- According to the acoustics, continual exposure____ noise of high intensity would lead to loss of hearing.
- The physicists propose that our attention____the use of special methods of thinking and acting.
- Animal mothers are devoted to their young and____ them with love and discipline.
- “The president made a brilliant decision, didn’t he?”“Yes, he did. I don’t know what I would have done if I____to make that decision.”
- To meet the ever increasing demand____oil-refining equipment, the company will produce more of such equipment.
- In selecting a material, the engineer’s interest is in its properties,which determine how it will perform under the loads and condition____it is subject.
- 翻译训练:地域特色文明文明是多彩的,人类文明因多样才有交流互鉴的价值。文明是平等的,人类文明因平等才有交流互鉴的前提。文明是包容的,人类文明因包容才有交流互鉴的动力。当今世界,人类生活在不同文化、种族、肤色、宗教和不同社会制度所组成的世界里,各国人民形成了你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。应该推动不同文明相互尊重、和谐共处,让文明交流互鉴成为增进各国人民友谊的桥梁、推动人类社会进步的动力、维护世界和平的纽带。应该从不同文明中寻求智慧、汲取营养,为人们提供精神支撑和心灵慰藉,携手解决人类共同面临的各种挑战。
- 翻译训练:普通话与方言中国土地广阔,人口众多。尽管全国都讲汉语,但是不同地区的人说汉语的方式不同,这被称为方言。方言一般被称为地方话,是汉语在不同地区的分支,只在特定地区使用。汉语方言非常复杂。它们有以下三方面不同:发音、词汇和语法。发音的区别最为显著。2000多年前,中国人发现社交时应该使用统一的语言。和方言相比,普通话(mandarin)能被所有人理解。普通话有利于不同种族、地区人民之间的信息传递和文化交流。