- E-commerce not only involves exchanges among customers, business partners andvendors, but also includes operations that handled within the business itself.
- From legal point of view, the Notify Party on the B/L is not the party of thecontract of the carriage of goods by sea.
- The objective in inventory strategy is to achieve desired customer service with theminimum inventory commitment.
- General Cargo Rates are normally higher than Specific Commodity Rates in aircargo transportation.
- Multimodal transport refers to a transport system usually operated by a carrierwith one mode oftransport under the control or ownership of one operator.
- 市场营销观念的四大支柱是:目标市场、 顾客导向、协调的整体营销和通过满足需要获取利润。
- 在 ICC条款中的 A 险相当于一切险, B 险相当于水渍险, C险相当于平安险。
- 在 ICC条款中的三个基本险分别是:平安险、水渍险和一切险。
- 信用证是出口方银行应进口方的申请而开立的属于银行信用。
- 信用证是银行应出口方的申请而开立的属于银行信用。