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- 某学生在学习英语的过程中,利用推理、归纳等逻辑手段完成具体学习任务,他运用了 ______。
- 英语课程资源的核心部分是 ______。
- 最初提出 “交际能力 ”这一概念的是 ______。
- 教师在传授新的教学内容时,通过建立与教学有关的情景,将学生带入新知识准备的状态的教学行为是 ______。
- The play Pygmalion later adapted to the musical comedy My Fair Lady was written by ______.
- Previewing is a technique of allowing your eyes to travel rapidly ______ a page,stopping here and there to register the main idea.
- In Canada there are two official languages, English and ______.
- It is suggested that you use specific strategies ______ your way of learning.
- When you"re reading a document, underlining may help to keep your mind ______on the material.
- An advertisement as a whole may be misleading though each sentence separately is______ true.