- 设A为三阶矩阵,P为可逆矩阵,使得P-1AP=012
- 甲乙两人赛跑, 计时开始时, 甲在乙前方 10(单位: m)处,图中实线表示甲的速度曲线v=v1 (t )(单位: m/ s ),虚线表示乙的速度曲线v=v2(t),三块阴影部分面积的数值依次为10,20,3,计时开始后乙追上甲的时刻记为 t0 (单位: s),则()
- 设 f (x, y) 具有一阶偏导数,且对任意的(x, y) ,
- 微分方程的特解可设为()
- 设数列收敛,则()
- 设二阶可导函数,则()
- 若函数在x=0处连续,则()
- For the new country to survive, ________ for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.
- She had clearly no ________ of doing any work, although she was very well paid.
- The wealth of a country should be measured ________ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.