- 埃里克森认为,心理发展主要是个人与_____________交互作用的结果。
- 个体心理过程包括认知过程.情感过程.___________。
- 记忆的三个子系统中,具有鲜明形象性,保持时间非常短,容量较大的叫做_______________。
- Increasing _______________ (compete) in the technology industries in Asia will force companies to recruit more qualified candidates。
- Despite having received positive reviews by industry critics, sales of the digital MP3 playerhave been quite _______(disappoint).
- Excel Energy Corporation's new online training program has _______ (interact) features and forum discussions for trainees.
- The only ______(effect) way to develop international skills and perspectives is through direct international experience
- The secret of being a good international manger is being comfortable withmanaging ____(diverse)