In classifying the English consonants and vowels, the same criteria can be applied.
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元音和辅音的基本区别在于在发前者的时候,从肺部呼出的气流在咽喉、鼻子或口腔里均不会受到任何形式的阻碍,而在发后者的时候则要受到不同形式的阻碍。所以在对元音和辅音分类时,不可能采用同样的标准。改正: As there is an essential difference between the consonants and the vowels, i.e. there is some kind of obstruction of air in the production of the former, but there is not in the production of the latter, it is impossible to use the same criteria in their classification.
Empirical studies show that the process of SLA is a process of constructing and modifying rules of communication.
Research findings have shown that language processing centers are situated in a single area of the left hemisphere.
From the sociolinguistic perspective, a speech variety is no more than a dialectal variety of a language.
The division of English into Old English, Middle English, and Modern English is nonconventional and not arbitrary.
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