



1 单选题 2分

Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter ______ he really needs is encouragement?

  • A. when that
  • B. since that
  • C. when what
  • D. now that

正确答案: C


译文:当他真正需要鼓励时,你为什么责备他的拙劣判断。此题考查准确判断句子结构。 when 引导时间状语从句, what he really needs充当这个时间状语从句的主语。

2 单选题 2分

The outline of rooftops and chimneys ________ against the pale sky.

  • A. pulled out
  • B. looked out
  • C. held out
  • D. stood out

正确答案: D


A 离开 B 注意、留神 C 提供 D 显眼、突出

3 单选题 2分

Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement,he wonders _______ will happen to his family life .

  • A. it
  • B. that
  • C. what
  • D. this

正确答案: C


what 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语。句意:尽管汤姆对自己的学术成就很满意,但是他想知道他的家庭生活将会如何?

4 单选题 2分

During the past two decades, research has ________ our knowledge of daydreaming.

  • A. expanded
  • B. emerged
  • C. descended
  • D. conquered

正确答案: A


A 扩大 B 浮现、露出 C 下降 D 征服

5 单选题 2分

He was specifically asked to write a play that would be ________ to the local community.

  • A. flexible
  • B. accessible
  • C. responsible
  • D. capable

正确答案: B


A .灵活的,柔韧的 B 容易理解的,好懂的 C 负责任的 D 有能力的

6 单选题 2分

The students are required to ________ the main ideas of the article in their own words.

  • A. symbolize
  • B. minimize
  • C. synchronize
  • D. summarize

正确答案: D


A 象征 B 最小 C 同步 D 概括

7 单选题 2分

The government finally ________ all the documents relating to the war.

  • A. released
  • B. specialized
  • C. realized
  • D. supposed

正确答案: A


A . “公开发表、公布或发布(新闻) ” B 专门从事、专攻 C 意识到、领悟 D 假定、猜想

8 单选题 2分

_______, could you get me a Turkish conversation book?

  • A. In this way
  • B. By the way
  • C. In no way
  • D. In any way

正确答案: B


in this way 以这种方法

by the way 顺便说

in no way 决不,无论如何都不

in any way 无论如何

9 单选题 2分

The professor worked for 7 hours at a ________.

  • A. stretch
  • B. extend
  • C. expand
  • D. prolong

正确答案: A


此题考查的是固定词组搭配。 at a stretch 一口气地。

10 单选题 2分

You are the most direct young woman I have ever _______.

  • A. come to
  • B. come into
  • C. come over
  • D. come across

正确答案: D


此为“ come”动词词组辨析题。 come across(偶然 )遇见; A. come to 达到;达成: come to a conclusion得出结论。 B. come into 进入;继承;得到: come into power 当权; come into a fortune 继承一笔财产。 C. come over 顺便来访; (感觉,影响 )支配,攫住。

